HISTORY OF Hazrat Shahjalal (R)

“Find the part of history of propagating Islam by a trulypious Man”

It's not the matter of rating this part related to the religious activities of Hazrat Shahjalal (R), where nobody has authority add anything extra! Many scholars claimed that He born in 1271 in Konya, Turkey & later moved to Yemen. According to legend Shah Kabir, his uncle gave him a handful earth & asked him to travel to Hindustan that he should settle down whichever place in Hindustan where earth matched completely in smell. HSZR is therefore instrumental in the spread of Islam throughout North East India including Assam. He arrived there in C. 1300. Hindu King Gauru Govinda ruled Sylhet area. There were many incident & fighting with king against his injustice as well as cruel actions towards people. At the end he devoted himself himself in propagating aid lam to the Masses. Under his guidance many Hindu & Buddist converted into. Muslim. He left behind no descendants as he remained bachelor his entire life although many people claimed many things as a part of his family member, better we don't involve ourselves in this part, who did for their wrongful gain. It's a very common discussion since long. The exact date of his death is unknown but he is reported by IBN Battuta to have died in 746 AH (1347 AD). He was buried in Sylhet which place is known as Dargah Mohallah. It's a place of worship to Allah with arrangements of huge space for Men & Woman. Many historical things there as of today including fishes in the pond. His graveyard in the upstairs with right hand direction. There is place to make necessary & recite the holy adjacent his graveyard. It's very crowds place all over in the year. Many unwanted co-incident can be observed, better to over look those. I have been visiting this holy place since by boyhood. During my last visit I couldn't see unwanted issued significantly, quite less. Many Muslims has different faith but important to have knowledge about the proper guideline be a Muslim. That will save us from undue things when visit the place like this.

I strongly recommend to visit this place who has patient & who is eager to go into the depth of any history beneficial to mankind.


এই ব্লগটি থেকে জনপ্রিয় পোস্টগুলি


Amazing Historical place Godkhali, Jhikargacha, Jessore

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