Biography of Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho composed the top of the line novel, The Alchemist, which sold 35 million duplicates and is the most deciphered book on the planet by a living writer. IN THESE GROUPS Acclaimed PEOPLE BORN IN 1947 Acclaimed FICTION AUTHORS Acclaimed PEOPLE WHO WROTE BEST-SELLING BOOKS Acclaimed PEOPLE NAMED COELHO Rundown Paulo Coelho was conceived on August 24, 1947, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He was a defiant youngster and his folks conferred him to a shelter three times. At the point when Coelho was 38 years of age, he had a profound arousing in Spain and expounded on it in his initially book, The Pilgrimage. It was his second book, The Alchemist, which made him popular. He's sold 35 million duplicates and now expounds on one book at regular intervals. Early Life Essayist Paulo Coelho was conceived on August 24, 1947, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Coelho went to Jesuit schools and was raised by faithful Catholic guardians. He decided at an opportune time ...